Giorgio Andreotta Calò: ACP Green Art Award

20 May - 30 June 2022

Giorgio Andreotta Calò is the winner of the first edition of the ACP Green Art Award, the award founded in 2021 by ACP - Palazzo Franchetti and by the company Art Capital Partners, with the sponsorship of MITE - Ministry of Ecological Transition, in order to catalyze proposals and creative energies on the urgent theme of the conservation of the planet and renewable energies. The award is addressed to an artist or a collective of artists working on the themes of sustainability and becoming an active tool for disseminating issues related to the great global challenges such as clean water and sanitation, climate change, clean and affordable energy, sustainable cities and communities, responsible consumption and production, climate action, life under water, life on land, all objectives included in 2030 Agenda for sustainable development of the United Nations.

The winner of this first edition, selected by the jury of experts is Giorgio Andreotta Calò, chosen for his ability to manifest in his own artistic research, the complex dialectic between anthropic and natural element, the difficult and magnificent co-existence between man and nature.

Andreotta Calò participates with three of his most iconic works: Pinna Nobilis, Corotaggio, Untitled (in girum imus nocte), the most voted of which will become part of the permanent collection of ACP - Art Capital Partners Palazzo Franchetti. The works in competition are  now visible in an exhibition dedicated inside ACP - Palazzo Franchetti, until 27 November 2022.

The winning work was voted by the jury together with the public who functioned as a special jury member. The award ceremony was held on Tuesday 5 July with a round table open to the public and focused on the themes and the work of Giorgio Andreotta Calò and to which also the mebers of the jury have taken part.